February 2025 Update
Hello poppets! Quick update for you all as we are in the new year.
American Zoetrope has passed on our show, (Their loss, right?) but it remains in circulation as we shop it around to other interested parties. Cant say anything more on that front, but work is progressing.
Our 5th short film "Conveyance" is under the knife and in final edit mode, just tightening up a few last things for post production.
We've begun pre-production on our 6th short, "Dog Fight", which will likely be our most ambitious yet.
Several new commercials for local business have hit the airwaves.
Flicks With Friends continues to vacuum up all the additional time, but that means eyes on the projects, so its a good busy.
American Zoetrope has passed on our show, (Their loss, right?) but it remains in circulation as we shop it around to other interested parties. Cant say anything more on that front, but work is progressing.
Our 5th short film "Conveyance" is under the knife and in final edit mode, just tightening up a few last things for post production.
We've begun pre-production on our 6th short, "Dog Fight", which will likely be our most ambitious yet.
Several new commercials for local business have hit the airwaves.
Flicks With Friends continues to vacuum up all the additional time, but that means eyes on the projects, so its a good busy.
April 2023 Update
Stay tuned, true believers!
January 2023 Update
As the world slowly gets back to normal, we find ourselves also getting back in the swing. Currently underway...
A massive restructuring of this website. Hope you enjoy the new look.
Production on Flicks With Friends continues (complete with a new audio blog portion).
We are close to closing a deal for a television series, co-produced with American Zoetrope!
The hard drive failure that claimed Conveyance was a massive blow, but in a miraculous turn of events, we Frankenstein-ed that thing back from the dead and were able to rescue the footage. The short is officially now in Post Production and close to a final edit.
In short, we are alive and kicking, and busier than ever.
A massive restructuring of this website. Hope you enjoy the new look.
Production on Flicks With Friends continues (complete with a new audio blog portion).
We are close to closing a deal for a television series, co-produced with American Zoetrope!
The hard drive failure that claimed Conveyance was a massive blow, but in a miraculous turn of events, we Frankenstein-ed that thing back from the dead and were able to rescue the footage. The short is officially now in Post Production and close to a final edit.
In short, we are alive and kicking, and busier than ever.
The COVID Years Update
Obviously its difficult for ANY production company to maintain their ongoing status during a pandemic. We did some work for Midland Care, and had a few side projects lined up, but for all intents and purposes our doors (and website) were shuttered due to COVID-19. But here's some inspirational videos we did with Flicks With Friends to keep everyone's spirits up.
December 2019 Update
Happy Holidays to you and yours!
They say being busy is a blessing AND a curse, and whoa boy can I relate. Flicks With Friends continues to syphon up my available time, (and I am not complaining, cause I love it)! We have over 1000 reviews on our Letterboxd page, so you should go check it out.
New short films are percolating. Not far enough along to actually call it "pre-production" yet, but they are coming.
I may even have time for a new blog post soon. ;)
They say being busy is a blessing AND a curse, and whoa boy can I relate. Flicks With Friends continues to syphon up my available time, (and I am not complaining, cause I love it)! We have over 1000 reviews on our Letterboxd page, so you should go check it out.
New short films are percolating. Not far enough along to actually call it "pre-production" yet, but they are coming.
I may even have time for a new blog post soon. ;)
May 2019 Update
A very busy awards season has kept us hoping! Highlights include: What Darcy Saw was named an official selection FINALIST of the inaugural Planet Comicon Kansas City Film Festival Course Correction was named an official selection FINALIST of the inaugural Planet Comicon Kansas City Film Festival What Darcy Saw took First Place in the Horror/Thriller category! Course Correction took First Place in the Sci-Fi category! (This is out of 1007 films submitted for 24 spots!) |
What Darcy Saw was named an official selection of the 2019 Saint Louis Sci-Fi & Fantasy Film Festival
Reviver Redux was named an official section of the 2019 Saint Louis Sci-Fi & Fantasy Film Festival What Darcy Saw won Best Musical Score! Reviver Redux won Best Cinematography and Best Practical Effects! |
Course Correction was named an official selection of the inaugural WIFI Film Festival
Reviver Redux was named an official selection of the inaugural WIFI Film Festival |
Dec 2018 Update
Well, life gets in the way. Due to a long (and uninteresting) series of complications I was unable to participate in the 4 Points Film Fest with Dave and the others, other than just contributing a few thoughts to the pitch session and then writing the script. We decided this was the perfect set of criteria to dust off Reviver and remake it with a bigger bang. (Which we--only semi--jokingly refer to as Reviver Redux). I think the film came out well, but... the concept is still missing something...
Oct 2018 Update
Flicks With Friends continues to dominate most of my creative output time at the moment. Check it out if you haven't yet, and consider becoming a Patreon.
As returning Best in Show champs, we are gearing up for this year's 4 Points Film Fest in November.
Last year's 4 Points film Course Correction was just named a selection of the St. Louis International Film Festival.
As returning Best in Show champs, we are gearing up for this year's 4 Points Film Fest in November.
Last year's 4 Points film Course Correction was just named a selection of the St. Louis International Film Festival.
Aug 2018 Update
Been spending a LOT of time with Flicks With Friends (www.flickswfriends.com) and that site is coming along nicely.
Course Correction is now an official selection of the Kansas International Film Festival in October. (kansasfilm.com)
Course Correction is now an official selection of the Kansas International Film Festival in October. (kansasfilm.com)
Conveyance inches closer to reshoots, as I have some new ideas on the project and if I have to redo it, might as well make improvements where I can.
More info as I get it. :)
More info as I get it. :)
May 2018 Update
We can add another Laurel to Course Correction, the film was accepted as an entry in the Saint Louis Science Fiction & Fantasy Short Film Festival. It just won Best Ensemble, Best Musical Score, Best Directing, as well as being named BEST IN SHOW! 40 films entered this competition, only 15 were selected to compete. This also makes our film an "offiical selection" for the Saint Louis Internaional Film Festival in November.
More restructuring. Flicks With Friends has expanded to its own website, www.flickswfriends.com. We will link to it from here, but please go there for all episodes and reviews.
More restructuring. Flicks With Friends has expanded to its own website, www.flickswfriends.com. We will link to it from here, but please go there for all episodes and reviews.
April 2018 Update
We just completed a fairly substantial reworking of the website, specifically the Flicks With Friends and Movie Review tabs. Hopefully the changes mean a better work and search flow for you to be able to find what you're looking for instead of scrolling through one huge list. We may implement this change on the Shorts page as well if it works, so please let us know!
March 2018 Update
Several new reviews posted, and almost more importantly, a new episode has (finally) been uploaded. Check out our look at Back to the Future!
February 2018 Update
Reviews continue to be posted under the FWF Movie Reviews tab.
Course Correction has been entered into several other film festivals.
Course Correction has been entered into several other film festivals.
January 2018 Update
1) MANY new reviews listed on the FWF Movie Reviews page if you are interested, check them out!
2) In regards to Course Correction, we did NOT win the Audience Choice Award. But we did win Best in Show. What does that mean? It means we took the whole damn thing. We won. We were awarded the top prize by the organizers of the contest, not a popularity contest! All told, the film took home four awards: Best Writing - Shaun Collins Best Directing - Laurie Uhler Best Child Actor - Gibson Uhler Best Supporting Actress - Jo Lassley Best in Show This means the film will be shown as the winner of the Four Points Film Competition at Filmapalooza in Paris, France, AND will be featured with other short films at the Cannes Film Festival. |
I am now an international award winning filmmaker. :)
I am incredibly proud of this one, and my heartfelt thanks to everyone associated with it, with 12:22 Productions, with Berkeley Square. From the friends who drop everything to be extras, to the ones that are part of the core writing staff, we could not do this without you, and I am so grateful to not only have you in my life as a friend, but to have your support in my wild flights of fancy.
Thank you.
Once again, the film can be found below...
I am incredibly proud of this one, and my heartfelt thanks to everyone associated with it, with 12:22 Productions, with Berkeley Square. From the friends who drop everything to be extras, to the ones that are part of the core writing staff, we could not do this without you, and I am so grateful to not only have you in my life as a friend, but to have your support in my wild flights of fancy.
Thank you.
Once again, the film can be found below...
December 2017 Update
Friends, I could use your help! We took part in the Four Points Film Project a few weeks back and our film "Course Correction" has been chosen from 129 short films submitted worldwide to be one of 16 finalists for an online Audience Choice Award. These are films that were made inside of 77 hours from a set of provided criteria.
Wanna help us WIN that Audience Choice Award?
1) VOTE for us: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/fourpointsfilmproject It takes less than 15 seconds, no registration required. Once you click, choose "Berkeley Square - Course Correction" and click SUBMIT. That's it! The link to watch all 16 films is https://vimeo.com/channels/4pfp2017 If you do not want to spend TWO HOURS watching the other films, then just vote for "Berkeley Square - Course Correction"
2) Then, spread the word and ask all your friends to vote for our film! Voting ends December 10th at 8pm Pacific Time.
Wanna help us WIN that Audience Choice Award?
1) VOTE for us: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/fourpointsfilmproject It takes less than 15 seconds, no registration required. Once you click, choose "Berkeley Square - Course Correction" and click SUBMIT. That's it! The link to watch all 16 films is https://vimeo.com/channels/4pfp2017 If you do not want to spend TWO HOURS watching the other films, then just vote for "Berkeley Square - Course Correction"
2) Then, spread the word and ask all your friends to vote for our film! Voting ends December 10th at 8pm Pacific Time.
November 2017 Update
"Course Correction" is in the can, and submitted to the Four Points Film Contest. Wish us luck!
Been a little stymied with the longer discussion panels and topics for flicks with friends, but they are coming. SLOWLY, but coming. Reviews however, are moving at a good clip and there are MANY more posted.
Conveyance continues to languish in post-pre-production, since I have to reshoot the WHOLE DAMN THING and I am seeking ways to make it look better than it did the first time (even though I was pretty happy with most of it, but since I have to reshoot it, might as well take the lessons I learned and make it right this time. 'Course now that the weather has turned, that could make things more difficult. (Or does a wintery landscape work better for the proceedings? Hmmm...)
Conveyance continues to languish in post-pre-production, since I have to reshoot the WHOLE DAMN THING and I am seeking ways to make it look better than it did the first time (even though I was pretty happy with most of it, but since I have to reshoot it, might as well take the lessons I learned and make it right this time. 'Course now that the weather has turned, that could make things more difficult. (Or does a wintery landscape work better for the proceedings? Hmmm...)
October 2017 Update
Flicks With Friends continues to roll, new episodes and reviews are on those pages, respectively.
September 2017 Update
Results are in, and we were not. :( While the short film What Darcy Saw made the top eight choices for the screening at the 48 Hour Film Project Kansas City, we did not place . We DID win Best Editing, and Best Use of Prop (Hat). Many, many, many people told us they thought our film was the best one shown, so it came as a bit of a shock to them (and us) to not place. Ah well. Still proud of the film and all the folks who saw it. We have uploaded the actual film now that the embargo has ended, you can find it over on the shorts page.
August 2017 Update
And now the waiting begins. We recently completed this year's 48hr Film Project out of Kansas City. The criteria for this one included a character named Alex or Alexis Brownstone who is a waiter/waitress, a hat (NON baseball) and the line "She should be here in a minute." We drew the genre Silent Film OR Thriller/Suspense out of a hat, and of course, we used ALL the criteria, (including both genres). The judging hasn't happened yet, so we can't post the film, but we can show you the 48 second trailer, to give you a sneak peek...
If you are so inclined, September 5th at 6:30pm at the North Screenland Armour in Kansas City is the top ten films screening and awards. My understanding is that tickets are available through the 48hr Film Project website. We'd appreciate your support.
April 2017 Update
Alas, several projects were lost when an external hard drive failed. (I will NEVER buy another seagate product as long as I live) This includes several upcoming episodes of Flicks With Friends, and Coveyance, which had moved into post production and will now need to be reshot. Le Sigh.
December 2016 Update
It seems weird to label this a December update when it is being written on 12/29, but I wanted to let you all know the movie video blog Flicks With Friends has offiically launched. Please subscribe to our Vimeo page!
Conveyance Trailer
November 2016 Update
Updates to both the Shorts and Projects pages. (I.E. NEW STUFF!)
Updates to the Cross Pollination page.
Announcing a new short film coming soon... "Conveyance". See the above trailer, and stand by for more details on this one!
And a MAJOR announcement concerning the new video podcast "Flicks With Friends" ...scripts are being written, concepts bounced around, guest stars lined up and we are heading into production this month with an eye on a Christmas 2016 release!
Updates to the Cross Pollination page.
Announcing a new short film coming soon... "Conveyance". See the above trailer, and stand by for more details on this one!
And a MAJOR announcement concerning the new video podcast "Flicks With Friends" ...scripts are being written, concepts bounced around, guest stars lined up and we are heading into production this month with an eye on a Christmas 2016 release!
March 2016 Update
The Videos page is now listed as Shorts, to differentiate it a bit more from the stuff over on Projects. Plus it allows me to make juvenile jokes like, "Wanna check out my shorts? You know you do." Oh yeah.
I've also added a few commercials to the Projects page. Wanna check out my projects? ...just doesn't have the same ring, does it? Oh well.
I've also added a few commercials to the Projects page. Wanna check out my projects? ...just doesn't have the same ring, does it? Oh well.
Jan 2016 Update
I have updated the Cross Pollination page, and more importantly, Videos! At long last you can see "Doc Hollywood" in all it's glory. Maybe not a good thing, but...
Also, there is a new page added called Flicks With Friends. Just a promotional coming soon spot at the moment, but I'm hoping to launch this baby in the near future. Stay tuned!!!
Also, there is a new page added called Flicks With Friends. Just a promotional coming soon spot at the moment, but I'm hoping to launch this baby in the near future. Stay tuned!!!
December 2013 Update
With the holidays upon us and the semester winding down, so do does my internship with the Wellness Information Network. It was a hard road, but a lot of fun, and I cannot thank Chris Omni enough for her infectious enthusiasm and allowing me to participate in her program MAKIN' MOVES® you can find this work in the Internship page, and on her website, www.makinmoves.com
July 2013 Update
It occurs to me that while I update the individual pages on the website, I haven't really touched the front page and some of you may not realize there are, in fact, updates going on. So consider yourselves updated! There are new films under videos (including our new First Place and People's Choice winning entry into the summer Wild West Film Fest) and new projects in the Portfolio page. And of course, the Ka-Tet of Geek has all my latest blog bits. Just for you. Enjoy.
SunStorm Entertainment Goes LIVE
Tuesday, May 8th 2012 marks the culmination of a dream. Or a nightmare depending on your point of view... We are now live on the web.